حدثت هذه الواقعة في 27/06/2012 في 1:35PM

في No Address, Cairo, Cairo (30.056090 31.231820)

To all who say that sexual harassment is not a big problem or that it is done only by poor, uneducated lower class egyptian men. This is what happened to me today. I was walking my usual route from Drayah Language School in Egypt to my house in Midan Shaheen. Very near to my house I passed a a car and a guy in it said to me "You are fucking amazing" in a very loud, arrogant voice. I didn't react and continue my walk. The car was quite good and it was well dressed middle class young egyptian men alone in it. Then he passed me driving slowly and again said smth rude. And in a hundred of a second I decided to act: I started to hit him trough the open window, I hit him on arms and face, everything that I could reach. He wanted to drive away, but couldn't because I was in the window. (I also didn't let him drive away, because my mobile phone fell into his car.) Then, of course, some people like fruit vendors and shop owners came to see what happened. And I said to them that he used bad words against me. I got my phone and he drove away, repeating two times "Fuck you" and I pointed to the people "see! how he is!" It all happened in less than 5min. But I came home with shacking hands and anger. I just can't stand silent. Next time I will hit even stronger. What is the solution???

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