حدثت هذه الواقعة في 21/03/2013 في 1:08PM

في No Address, Matruh, Matruh (29.197200 25.542610)

I recently saw the interview with your organization on AlBarnamaj and wanted to thank you for your work in Egypt and your bravery. I also wanted to report a personal experience of mine. I am a American student studying my Masters in Arabic at Alexandria University. Recently, in August I was on a trip to Siwa and was on a bike ride (on a bicyle) with a friend when a 19 year old on a motorcyle decided to sexually harass me by swerving at me with his motorcyle. He lost control and ended up running me over, breaking both of my collar bones in multiple places and giving me a head injury in the process. I was in the hospital for approximately two weeks and had to have steel plates and screws put in on both sides of my collar bone in addition to 8 stiches on my forehead. Of course, like all women in Egypt, I see sexual harassment almost daily. After living here for approximately a year, I have been grabbed multiple times and had vulgar things said to me on a regular basis. However, I just wanted to report the motorcyle incident to you to spread awareness about a type of harassment that I have not heard talked about much in Egypt but that I see often. That is of course young boys/men associating fear and violence with sexual excitment and acting on that association by putting people in danger with their cars and motorcycles. Thanks again for your work and good luck in the long battle ahead.

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