حدثت هذه الواقعة تم التدخل فيها في 16/02/2014 في 7:58AM

في Omar Lotfy street, Alexandria, Alexandria (31.199640 29.894730)

While walking in Omar Lotfy street at 9.15h AM a man (around 30years old) passes by me running after a woman (around 30 years old). He beats her in the head from behind and grabs her arm as she turns back to see his face. She starts crying and pushing him trying to get rid of the man. I was 1 meter away from them and there were at least 5 other persons around us at the same distance. I approach the man and the woman and ask him to stop while holding his hands away from her. He doesn’t stop and holds the woman’s hiyab as he beats her in the stomach. I ask two of the men around us to intervene and hold the aggressor, one of them approaches him and asks him to calm down. He keeps on beating the woman, with his legs as she walks a few meters away. After a few minutes he gets rid of the two men holding him and runs after the woman, holds her from her veil and keeps beating, she reacts by beating him in return. I follow the couple and ask the people around to help, at this point, two men intervene and holds the aggressor from his waist. The woman runs away around a corner and once she’s out of sight the men release the aggressor. He then starts running after the woman and comes back holding her from the arm, while yelling at her and hitting her in the back, he crosses the street and pushes her violently inside a taxi.
The whole situation has lasted for around 15 to 20 minutes.

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