حدثت هذه الواقعة تم التدخل فيها في 31/03/2013 في 11:00AM

في El Gaish Road, Alexandria, Alexandria (31.231080 29.943670)

On Sunday March 31 at around 11am I was walking along the waterfront in Alexandria when I was approached by a man (approximately mid-30s in age) who tried to tell me that I was not allowed to take photographs in that area. When I walked on he grabbed my arm to try and detain me, but I told him not to grab me. After a few minutes I saw him again ahead of me (he must have run or taken a taxi to get onto the path ahead of me), and he tried to approach me again, this time with his trousers unzipped and holding his penis in his hand. I said something angrily (I can't remember what) and walked past. After a few minutes AGAIN I saw him ahead of me, but I stopped walking and stared at him until he walked away, crossed the road and got into a taxi.

I am mid-30s, British but dressed conservatively (loose trousers, t-shirt with loose cardigan over the top, scarf). Apologies for the delay in reporting this but I have only just found this website!

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