حدثت هذه الواقعة تم التدخل فيها في 09/04/2014 في 1:21PM

في Assault on the metro, Cairo, Cairo (30.062630 31.249670)

I was visiting Egypt for several weeks and I went to Cairo to visit some friends. My friend and I were waiting at the metro station away from the platform and when the train approached, a group of men pushed us onto the train. The pushed with such force that I had bruises all up my leg. We were the only women on the carriage and we couldn't move. I was modestly dressed (long skirt and jacket) but I found a man's hand going up my skirt. My friend shouted for it to stop but the men said it was their right as Egyptian men to do this to me. Another couple of men started so there was several men touching me in private areas. We kept shouting for them to stop but they said that they had to do it. I started crying and an older man began getting angry and another man started punching someone near by as a way to stop. These men got me me and my friend off the train and then a massive fight took place on the platform. Some women came and helped me regain my modesty and let me sit down. I was very frightened of what happened and since then I continue to have nightmares of that group of men who did that to me on the metro.

1 التعبير عن الدعم

أضف/ي تعليق شاهد/ي المزيد من البلاغات
تصنيفات النظر المتفحّص الندءات (البسبسة) التعليقات اللمس الدعوة لممارسة الجنس الاعتداء الجنسي
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