حدثت هذه الواقعة في 07/10/2011 في 1:42PM

في No Address, Cairo, Cairo (29.958580 31.264090)

Maadi is becoming a hot spot for sexual intimidation, aggression and harassment. The little rich boys with mummy's cars like to follow my friends and I. They shout out of the window, curb crawl us and follow us. We have also had flash-lights shone into our car by a group of stalkers in a very nice car.
One guy, on his own decided to pull his pants down and scratch himself (his anus) while walking in front of us (2 girls) He was preparing to show us more when we were able to jump into a taxi and got away.
My friends are constantly reporting incidents of sexual harassment, assault and one attempt at rape. Be very, very careful in Maadi, especially around the 'nice areas' like DEGLA!

تصنيفات الندءات (البسبسة) التعليقات التعري الملاحقة أو التتبع الدعوة لممارسة الجنس


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