حدثت هذه الواقعة تم التدخل فيها في 24/06/2013 في 1:59PM

في Mogawra 21, 10th of Ramdan, Sharqia (30.234650 31.642770)

Egyptian woman files false police reports to attempt to jail X-husband's wife (me) and X-husband's brother (stood up for us in our wedding 5 years ago). Also jails X-husband with more false reports. Repeatedly tells my husband if he doesn't move back "home" (even though divorced for 6 years) she will cause more trouble. She puts on a show for the judges, cries, pays people to falsely confess, and since there have been repeated judgments made with illegal acts by the judges I think they are being paid off to rule on her behalf. Please go to https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=vb.1610624200&type=2 to see one of the accounts of proof of lying to police. No action was taken other than I received a restraining order.

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