حدثت هذه الواقعة في 26/11/2011 في 11:48AM

في Tahrir Square, Cairo, Cairo (26.820550 30.802500)

Date : Tuesday 22-11

I was going to Mohamed Mahmoud street during the ongoing fights carrying first aids for people standing in the front lines.
We were very near to the front line when CSF fired against protesters , while we were running for a shelter. My leg was injured so a friend of mine was helping me to run. Someone came behind me, he was pushing my back at the first and I thought he was helping me , then he was touching my bottom with his hands. I tried with my friends to push him hard but the situation was very tense and they started firing rubber bullets.
Then , he came closer and tried to touch my body and to put his fingers in my trousers . I was badly injured so I fell down. People tried to help me , he was trying to harass me brdo claiming he's helping me to stand up.. I shouted and he ran away people were trying to catch him .

I was transferred to the FH, while they were giving me my treatment the man was standing and watching us. Before we could manage to tell the doctor he disappeared.

after a while, while I was sitting near Kentucky, the same man was standing there watching us.

We shouted to warn people but he ran away.

Most probably he's a mo5ber or something.

Date : Wednesday 23/11

We were heading to Mohamed Mahmoud street from Qasr Elnile entrance. The square was fully occupied with protesters. CSF started firing tear gas bombs near Hardees. people in elsenaya started running and imagine the kind of harassment. So, we caught a harasser and a female friend of mine pushed him away and start yelling . People gathered around and caught him. We were pushed away by crowds so we couldn't see what happened to him later

As I ago to Tahrir on daily basis since the events started and I go most of the times with female friends ( no male), I noticed the following:

- harassment are usually at entrances
- After legan sha3bya, they've decreased
- People who harass are always alone ( not in groups)
- We were never harassed in Mogama3 area or seenya Area at all.
_ A lot of people come and ask us if someone is annoying us in case they noticed some one is following us ( Ultras came when they noticed a man was following us when er were heading to abd el menem riad SQ)

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