حدثت هذه الواقعة في 28/06/2011 في 1:49AM

في Zamalek - Mohamed ibn Saqib St., Cairo, Cairo (30.064530 31.218120)

Around 12:30p, walking home alone when a young guy made a derogatory comment which I ignored, then another comment about my butt. I replied with a w/the F bomb and continued to walk, but only more comments. I then turned around and walked back toward the group and confronted them; they seemed sheepish after I told them that I would fight each one of them, but when I walked away again, one of them made a comment, I went back and hit him in the head w/a bottle of water I was carrying and walked away. He then made another comment and I went back and threw the water on him and cussed him out and walked away. He then grabbed a bottle of water and approached me and threw some water, but I moved away and only a little bit of water got on me. I glared at him and continued to walk away.

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