حدثت هذه الواقعة تم التدخل فيها في 19/04/2013 في 12:30PM

في Maadi on Dimishk St/Rd.9, Cairo, Cairo (29.964360 31.255460)

I am writing on behalf of my friend Hoda, who was harassed last weekend (Friday, the 19th at 12.30, during prayer) - she was walking by herself in Maadi on Dimishk St/Rd.9 and a group of approximately 15 boys, age 13-14, began calling her a whore , yelling at her and saying that they wanted to sleep with her. They said she should be "fucked" and using other catcalling names.

They then proceeded to throw a plant at her and making sexual gestures with their fingers. She began yelling at them and they ran away.

Please let me know once you upload this to the site. Thank you for your help

تصنيفات التعبيرات الوجهية النظر المتفحّص الندءات (البسبسة) التعليقات الدعوة لممارسة الجنس
تدخل أخرى


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