حدثت هذه الواقعة في 19/04/2011 في 12:00PM

في No Address, Cairo, Cairo (30.062630 31.249670)

Lately I have been receiving various strange phone calls. Guys always asking to talk to Ahmed or Mona and when I say it's a wrong number they ask for my name. Or they call and accuse me of "ringing" their number today, and when I say I didnt they keep on insisting that I did.
Once actually Some guy knew my name (he sounded like some low class guy) and I know that NO 1 has m number but very close friends and relatives.
I think phone numbers and contact infos are becoming accessible to many unauthorized people.

تصنيفات الملاحقة أو التتبع المكالمات الهاتفية


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