Incident with intervention happened on 26/07/2013 at 1:22PM

at El-Tahrir Square, Cairo, Cairo (30.044390 31.235860)

Unbelievable no. of SH cases today at the square, the situation is out of control to say the least, we went down some volunteers from basmah (imprint), some volunteers from Opantish in their individual capacity since Opantish isn't active today at the square, the situation was hectic, lots of cases, we did what we can without support, used our cars to transport the victims, some of us were injured with knives, at one case they separated a young girl from her mother and the mob went on brutally assaulting the mother, we managed to get the mother out to an ambulance but till this moment we don't know if the kid was reunited with her mother, and in the grand scheme of things we did nothing! Our numbers were limited, we didn't have any gear or support, didn't manage to reach most of the victims and frankly we are all pissed of at the shot callers in Opantish, politicising securing any demonstration is not our place, the horrors of the square today were indescribable, even limited support would've helped us make a difference....Harassmap social media team page

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