Incident happened on 01/06/2011 at 11:09PM

at Downtown - Talaat Harb (Soliman Pasha) St., Cairo, Cairo (30.045100 31.236960)

We were three men and two women. Both women were foreigners, one foreign man, and two egyptian men.

A man started following the group around Estoril in Downtown on our way to After 8 for one of the girl's last night.

He had touched her when we were not noticing, and then followed us across the street and touched her again.

One of the egyptians saw it, and immediately sprung to her defense. The confrontation turned violent as the other two men joined to subdue him. The offender was resisting.

The offender did not say a single word, uttered sounds as if he was mentally disturbed. The guys at Le Grillon came out and he tried to hit them with a stone.

The police were called and people gathered. After some time, we were asked if we would like to press charges, and if so, to go to the police station.

when asked for ID, the offender pulled out a photocopied document that he was in the mental hospital. but no ID.

He never uttered a full word.

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