Incident happened on 05/03/2012 at 1:57PM

at Air conditioned buses especially in Abdel Monem Riad bus stop, Cairo, Cairo (30.049190 31.232970)

There are alot of harrasements start either by men choose to sit beside the young ladies and leave the other empty seats or seats beside men and start come closer or look and sometimes but they can never do want to show their sexual organs. Usually those people get out fromt he bus before it moves after doing what they want to do or after did not get a response or an insulting look form the lady.

It happened for me when some body canme and want to sit beside me and i told him that you have alot of empty seats, he directly went out from the bus, which means that his main purpose was not to ride the bus, but to harrase ladies.
other men sometimes sit in the seat behind the lady which is close to the window and start using his hands fromt ehside of the seat to touch her shoulder and actually they are men above 40.

All the above beside the words that ladies can hear from men walking, while they are waiting for the bus.

Finally, these are couple of faces who are very famous doing this to all the ladies who use this bus stop frequesntly. I myself call them the "official harrasers of the bustop"

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