Incident with intervention happened on 25/12/2013 at 5:58PM

at Al Rehab, Cairo, Cairo (30.066030 31.485610)

Her name is (detail removed by Admin)
Lives in group 1 in Rehab City, she's 25 years old, half American half Egyptian, is veiled, (detail removed by Admin), has a (detail removed by Admin), is a current student in (detail removed by Admin) in Business Administration

She first contacted me on facebook, asking me for my number so she "can call & wish me happy eid" during eid el Fetr 2013, told her she can not have my number. She then got my number from a friend, kept messaging me although I asked her not to do so

She kept saying that she just wants to stay friends

I stopped her from contacting me by changing my number, blocking everything related to her, and wrote to her "never to contact me ever" (those were the exact words that I used) I asked

Thing is I live in Canada & I still "feel being stalked"

She still "likes" things that I post on facebook, knowingly that I asked her not to contact me in any way, including facebook or liking my things that I post in my work

The reason I am making sure this report is filed, her family who are abusive & have corrupt cops, have threatened me several times on my phone with text messages & threatening calls when they found about me, I had stopped contacting her, had no contact with (detail removed by Admin)

I will be in a situation soon where I will be using my passport, now I get nervous around cops in Egypt because of those threats, honestly I want someone to know in advance if anything does happen to me

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Categories Stalking or Following
Intervention Other


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