Incident happened on 06/04/2018 at 1:00PM

at Places Des Arts - Maadi, Cairo (29.960980 31.265260)

Early 2018 I enrolled in a writing workshop held at P.D.A by a writer named W.K. I was accompanied by two other women. One of them was married while the other was undergrad. At first there was nothing unusual just the normal flow of a class. The place initiated a WhatsApp group for all attendees as well as the writer to share anything related to the workshop. I work in a very stressful job so I finish a bit late everyday and at the same time I find it really hard when someone asks me to write about a specific subject. One day prior the class with one day I texted him over WhatsApp, in a separate thread from the group, that I am not able to write and I won't be able to deliver the assignment the next day. He called me and we started talking he sounded friendly and told me that he noticed that there is something bothering me and I look a bit distressed. Since that call we started talking. At first I confided in him with some personal stuff and he seemed understanding. After a while he started to undermine my problems and started commenting on my body. As naive as I was I thought he was flirting and that he was interested in me. But after a while I started to feel uncomfortable and I tried to tell him but not directly as I thought I would upset him. Until one day he made a comment about how sexy my voice is and urged me to keep on talking. It felt like he was masturbating while I was talking. He didn't say he was doing that but it sure felt like it. Then he kept insisting on having video calls as he has a problem with his ears and that he calls his friends via videos as well. I did not want to do it and I kept stalling so that he would give up. By this time we reached a point where we would call each other everyday several times as well as texting. He never sent me any photos or anything neither did I but he would text me comments about by body and mention specific parts till I told him specifically that I am uncomfortable with that. He backed off for a while then he kept insisting on video calling me. I refused then he lashed out and started to treat me badly. All this time I was gullible enough to think that he likes me even when he told me that he fantasized and dreamed about doing things to me. I felt ashamed of myself and disgusted. I thought he was a good person and that was just his way of being flirtatious but I was mistaken. As appalled as I was at myself I deleted all my WhatsApp conversations with him and I never told anyone about it. I know that no one would believe me since I erased all the evidence I have. No to mention he is a close friend to the owner of P.D.A. as well as her husband who happens to be a celebrity and a singer at a well-known music band with wide fan base all over the middle east. Had I stepped forward and told the owner of the place, he would (W.) have accused me of being obsessed with him and that I am doing this because I wanna have a sexual relationship with him. He also wrote something like a memoir about the band that the owner's husband is the lead singer of. Thus, no way they would have taken my word over his especially that I deleted all our texting conversations and I am unable to retrieve them again. I do not know if this complaint may make a difference or not but I don't want him to do this to another girl as I suffered emotionally and psychologically from this experience and still have scars yet to be healed. By the way he tried to contact me again last year, I was waiting for him to make any kind of move like a comment or text but he didn't he was cautious and so I blocked him once and for all.

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