Incident happened on 08/07/2011 at 6:22PM

at Tahrir Square, Cairo, Cairo (30.044320 31.233380)

On Friday at 1 pm I went to Tahrir with my father we were so excited about it and chanting on your way to the square, talking to random people in the streets and convincing them of joining the protest. I entered the square after being searched by women from the public committee whose job is to “secure the entrances and exits” of the square. We started walking from Abd El Menim Reyad towards the Mogmoa’ where there was a huge stage and we heard that there were good speakers on that stage. I started walking around until it was very crowded in an area where people many people were packed over each other to pass and this was between the stage and the garden in the middle of the square. My dad was walking behind me and I had a back pack that day. People were pushing and there were 5 women trying to find a path in front of me for themselves I kept shouting and saying “There are women here please give us space and we will all walk and get through to the other side”. 30 second later I felt I was being grabbed from my ass, I didn’t realize from the huge crowd if it was something by accident or not, a minute later and while we were all shouting “we are suffocating, don’t push and we will all get through to the other side”. I was grabbed from my ass again and it was a long thing it wasn’t something accidental or someone who is having fun no it was as if someone knows exactly what he is doing and why he is doing it. I turn around and he was there staring at me I recognized him at once he didn’t even feel ashamed or anything he kept staring at me! I started shouting and saying that he is a harasser, please take him out of here, my dad started shouting as well and he was about to beat him when tens of men who were around us were saying “Ma3lesh ma3lesh.. asl el denia za7ma w 7ar – Sorry its already crowded and hot”. I went mad and I took my father and we looked in front of us for seconds and when I looked back I saw him still standing there. I went hysterical and was screaming at their faces please take him out of the square there are other women and girls around, and they kept repeating it again “ma3lesh ma3lesh el denia za7ma”. I was about to grab him from his shirt but again the sentence was being said by almost everyone around us! I grabbed my father and I was crying “lets go home” and on our way out of the square I stopped at the public committee entrances and I spoke to two men who were “securing” the square. I told them “There are harassers inside and it’s not safe for any female. People inside are not protecting each other its crazy what is happening inside” he said “am really sorry but a harasser can be a bachelor degree holder so I can’t recognize him in the entrances” I said “its not about securing the entrances of the square there should be people inside who secure it internally”

I had the Egyptian Museum on my left hand and was heading to the parking where I parked my car, I saw two guys on a motorcycle shouting and yelling “el shaab yoreed el neswan – People want women”. AT the same time there were hundreds of people entering the square who didn’t even try to tell them “what the hell are you chanting for or stop it or whatever ya3ny”. I know that Egypt is popular in harassment percentages worldwide, it still is shocking when it happened to me. It’s not about the incident itself its mostly about how the people reacted and how they dealt with the situation. It’s how passive we have become and individualistic we are. I didn’t go out of my house since Friday, maybe cause am scared that if something happened to me I know that no one will be there to help me out not to mention that great role of the police and army men in flourishing and legalizing harassing any female walking in the streets. Maybe because I lost the security that I used to feel in Tahrir. But what am sure of is because I did nothing, I should have done something to give not just the harasser a lesson but also the tens of men who were around me whom in my view now are all harassers they are all participants in the crime.

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