Incident happened on 21/07/2011 at 9:51AM

at Tahrir Square, Cairo, Cairo (30.060550 31.236800)

I am an owner of a tourism agency in Holland. I was visitig Egypt on February 18 to see how soon after the revolution I could bring groups back again to visit your beautiful country that I have com to love so much! On the first day of my visit, I was harassed by a mob of young boys on Tahrir Square together with an Egyptian female friend and a male friend from USA. We were all saved, thank God, by the military.
Back in Holland I do not know what to tell my customers who ask me about the safety of travel in Egypt. I sincerely hope that you can keep this issue of harassment high on the agenda. For it is my opinion that as long as this happens to women a country will not be free. So keep up your struggle for equal rights for women and men. Not only expressed on paper but in the streets.kind regards and I sincerely wish you all the best and success. Egypt for me still ranks as a country that showed and is showing the world how a people's revolution can be won in a peaceful manner!!

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