Incident happened on 17/10/2014 at 2:24AM

at No Address, Al-Obour, Qalyubia (30.205640 31.472520)

Yesterday at night, the following strange number continuously called me. And when I finally picked up, and replied with a single "Hello", I was met with a gruff, husky voice that scared me. He incessantly said "Hello" back, but I didn't reply, I kept him hanging. And then he starter with the "Honey, please answer me", but I was too scared to. He said other stuff, that I'm sure where very disturbing and equally sexually harassing, but the reception was pretty bad I couldn't hear it clearly. I was quiet the entire phone call, in hopes of him giving up and not calling back. I'd pick up, and let him babble. But he's called no less that 40 times. And I turned off my phone after that. And today it's on again, and he hasn't stopped calling.
This is really scary, please take action. Any sort of action. Thank you.

The number: 0101 269 ....

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