Incident with intervention happened on 13/05/2013 at 1:59PM

at road 90 in 5th settlement, Cairo, Cairo (30.015670 31.403300)

I have been followed all the way from K. 4.5 by this pervert all the way to road 90 in 5th settlement. I was driving really fast in da2ery until i was about to arrive home and thought of reporting this guy to the Lagna when I reached road 90 but he disappeared and reappeared after passing the lagna. He would slow down and stop in front of me so I slow down and then try to talk to me through his window. I was terrified and had to slow down and confuse him on where I'm heading until I drove really fast to an oil station there. I waited till my guy friends arrived to follow me home. I wish I start feeling safe again and drive safely without getting harassed and perverts following me like this.

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