Incident happened on 16/07/2011 at 10:59PM

at No Address, Cairo, Cairo (30.062630 31.249670)

At 9 am in morning, in street 9 Mokatam, a car stopped in front of me (was waiting for a taxi) and made sexual invitation by asking directly and when I shook my head with agitation and waved my hand as a NO, he refused to go and started to open his pants zipper..and made an improper gesture..I gave him an angry look and ask him to leave..he refused still..I told him, I ll call the police, he laughed..till I screamed:.."police..police"..just then he left. I am a middle age, veiled, European.
That experiences was not my first..the only differences was: the man refused to leave easily. This was in May 2011. Thank you for listing it here.

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Categories Facial Expressions Indecent Exposure Sexual Invites


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